13:55:57 (lmgrd) Using vendor daemon port 27000 specified in license file. Select Start/Stop License Service in the table of contents using the Start, Stop, or Re-read Licenses buttons to manage the license service. If PLECS cannot obtain a license from the license server, please follow the troubleshooting guide to identify the problem.Lmgrd service not starting However, if you see the same issue when starting the server directly via the lmgrd command, please let us know and we will be glad to help you to get this sorted.
Sudo systemctl enable PLECS_License_rviceĮdit the client license file network.lic as needed and distribute it to the end users.
If it works, install the service for automatic start at boot time:.ġ4:00:38 (lmgrd) Started plexim (internet tcp_port 527)ġ4:00:38 (plexim) FlexNet Licensing version v11.13.1.3 build 176483 圆4_lsbġ4:00:38 (plexim) Server started on AMPERE for: plecseditġ4:00:38 (plexim) EXTERNAL FILTERS are OFFġ4:00:38 (lmgrd) plexim using TCP-port 52731 All Rights Reserved.ġ4:00:38 (lmgrd) License file(s): /opt/PLECS_License_Manager/plexim.licġ4:00:38 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons.
The final lines should be similar to these (summary log lines (SLOG) omitted):ġ4:00:38 (lmgrd) FlexNet Licensing (v11.13.1.3 build 176483 圆4_lsb) started on AMPERE (linux)ġ4:00:38 (lmgrd) Copyright (c) 1988-2015 Flexera Software LLC.
(Note that the angular brackets are part of the placeholders and are not actually entered into the license files.) Installation If the license manager port number is outside the range 27000-27009, it must also be specified in the client license file network.lic: To assign dedicated port numbers, edit the server license file plexim.lic as follows: You must assign dedicated port numbers if there is a port-based firewall between the server and the client or if there is no free port in the range 27000-27009. However, it is considered best practice to assign two dedicated and otherwise unused port numbers (outside the range 27000-27009). The server must accept incoming connections from the clients on two TCP ports: one for the license manager process lmgrd and one for the vendor daemon process plexim.īy default, if you use the server license file plexim.lic provided by Plexim as is, the license manager opens a TPC port in the range 27000-27009 and the vendor daemon opens a port with a random number which is chosen anew whenever the vendor daemon is started. The operation of license server requires an internet connection between the server computer and the client computer(s). The procedure may vary on other Linux systems. This page describes the standard procedure for setting up a FlexNet License Manager on a Linux computer running Ubuntu 16.04.